Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Big Fish in a Small Bowl

The first thing that comes to mind when thinking of a fish bowl is gold fish, furthermore a Beta fish or even a small bottom feeder catfish or starfish. The great Orca Whale doesn’t come to mind when thinking of the category of a fish bowl, yet that’s where they are in SeaWorld. Since carnival show times and even earlier animals have been considered entertainment for human consumption. Even though the conditions can be harmful and downright abusive people don’t seem to be too concerned with that.
On September 13th 1916 Mary the Elephant was hung with a crane for killing an assistant trainer who had been hired just the other day. With peoples outrage over the public death of a person, the owner of the carnival decided it would be best to execute her. There are even pictures of it, and over 2,000 people came to see her public execution. 

Similarly the 2010 death of trainer Dawn Brancheau who was killed by Tilikim an Orca who has been involved in two other incidents before that. One in 1999 where a man visited the park the day before and somehow got past security to enter the Orcas tank after park hours, he was found dead and naked on Tilikums back the next morning. The first incident took place in 1991 where tilikum and two other pregnant female orcas were in a tank and Keltie Byrne slipped into the tank while being a part time trainer for sea world. The orcas drowned her and kept her away from the life ring thrown her way. Tilikum is still performing today.
Unlike Mary the elephant Tilikim hasn’t received much outrage at least in the over the top sense that the people of Tennessee were. The outrage has come in the form of a movie called blackfish which brings to light the conditions of these Orcas in captivity. It claims insanity to the Orcas who are acting aggressively toward people and their trainers. Although there hasn’t been much done to take steps to change it. Because its now an industry, drawing in thousands upon thousands of visitors. What people don’t realize is that Orcas are not entertainment. They are not show dogs, they aren’t meant to be kept in such small living spaces while being forced to do tricks for an audience of careless faces every day.
Tilikum isn’t the only aggressive Orca in captivity, there are many accounts that not only stem from seaworld but other parks as well. Going all the way back to 1967 to the present you can find incidents involving Orcas and aggression toward trainers and visitors. this website gives a comprehensive list of incidents and their locations.
Seaworlds response to the criticisms in Blackfish and what the Orca project stands for were sort of fleshed out in a long article on their main site, which can be read here

The whole article is basically spent saying that everything in blackfish is false, while they never really address the aggressive behavior or history of aggressive behavior of captive Orcas. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Penguins are not a Sin

In America and even all around the world there has been a lot of tension about same-sex couples. Even though slowly more and more states are making it legal there is still a pretty big group of people who won’t accept same-sex couples in any shape or form. It’s usually based on some flippant religious view or backwards reasoning. One of the biggest reasoning’s would be the concern “how will we explain this to our kids!?” well honestly if same-sex couples, and LGBTQIA rights weren’t constantly jeopardy, then it would be normal. Why can’t it be? Some people claim it to be unnatural. When in reality it happens in nature all the time.
George Murray Levick a British arctic explorer who was able to study the penguins in the Scott Antarctic Expedition of 1910-1913. Who made notes in his journal about these Adélie penguins and how he began noticing homosexual behavior between the males. These studies weren’t released to the public for fear of shocking the public. Even in captivity penguins have formed same-sex relationships. Two penguins in Wingham Wildlife Park became surrogate dads to a chick this year, although they had already bonded years ago.
The children’s book And Tango Makes three written by Peter Parnell and Justin Richardson that was published in 2005. It’s about a similar situation as the one in Wingham Wildlife Park. Where there are two male penguins who act as a couple and raise a chick together. In fact it’s based on a true story of the real penguins Roy, and Silo from the Central Park Zoo. Yet this book is banned because it has a homosexuality theme. It’s actually a really charming story and it’s really sad that people are being close minded. I think what’s really telling is that it is in fact a true story and it’s also not all that rare for penguins yet we still have people challenging it.
I believe people are so stuck in this old wrong and worn out illogical view of judgment and hate that they can’t see past it. It’s all about love and kindness for goodness sake, and yet one of the things parents are fearing the most is if their child is gay. Why is love being treated like such an awful thing when on the opposite end hate is being praised.
Sarah Yeost Pederson the Op-Ed editor for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram wrote a short article called A Family of a Different Feather on her thoughts of the banning of And Tango Makes Three. She describes a situation with her daughter who had a classmate that has two moms. She explained how helpful the Tango book would have been to show her daughter in this time.

I think tango is a very helpful book it takes steps to normalizing homosexuality, making room for more acceptance and kindness. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

"With his cruel bow he laid full low The harmless Albatross."

We are a throw away generation. The perception of the quality of life is spent on temporary things, convenient things that we can all so easily forget about in a moment. We do not realize how great the consequences of this are. How much they have effected life in many forms. this video has a huge impact on showing in a very blatant form that there are huge consequences to this mass consumerism. Chris Jordan makes a reference to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This well-known piece of literature describes the consequences of the unnecessary murder of an albatross and the consequences that ensued afterwards. Just like in the tale this can all be avoided. Nature doesn’t have to be ruined and animals don’t have to die. There is no justification, it’s just bad habits and absent minded decisions that are to blame. Which is basically all of us, we are all to blame.
I will admit I harbor these bad habits, I’ve grown up this way. I just throw away whatever without even thinking about it. In fact I didn’t think about these consequences much until recently watching this and seeing it completely without any sugar coating. For me I need to have the courage to not be absent minded about this. I need to know exactly what is happening, why its happening, and how I as an individual can be a part of the change. To begin I have found some really good facts from
“• Plastic bags are among the top two items of debris found most often in coastal cleanups. (Ocean Conservancy)
• Plastic bags wrap around living corals, quickly "suffocating" and killing them. (U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
• Plastic pieces outweigh surface zooplankton in the Central North Pacific by a factor of 6 to 1. (Algalita Marine Research Foundation)
• Plastic pieces can attract and hold hydrophobic elements like PCB and DDT up to 1 million x background levels. As a result, floating plastic is like a poison pill. (Algalita Marine Research Foundation)
• Approximately 500 nautical miles off the California coast sits a growing "plastic island," a gargantuan patch of floating plastic trash held together by currents stretching across the northern Pacific almost as far as Japan. This "plastic island" is made up of about 7 billion pounds of plastic garbage, and measures about twice the size of Texas.
• Each year, enough trash—most of it plastic—floats down the Los Angeles River to fill the Rose Bowl two stories deep. (Los Angeles Times, "Altered Oceans")
• Of 500,000 albatross chicks born each year on Midway Atoll, about 200,000 die of starvation. Adult albatrosses mistake plastic trash for food and end up feeding it to their chicks. (L.A. Times)
• On a single day in 2007, nearly 400,000 volunteers around the world picked up more than 6 million pounds of trash. A majority of the items were single-use disposable plastic items, such as plastic bags and Styrofoam containers. (Ocean Conservancy International)
• Since water keeps the plastic cool and algae blocks ultraviolet rays, "every little piece of plastic manufactured in the past 50 years that made it into the ocean is still out there somewhere." (Research Triangle Institute)”
And these aren’t even the tip of the iceberg in comparison to all the environmental turmoil we are causing.
We have become less efficient as a society in regards to consumerism, its more about the market and selling things than being efficient.
I believe the reason there hasn’t been much of a change yet is because of all these big companies. They know what’s going on but they don’t want to lose money by raising much awareness. I know that different companies have made their products recyclable. But it’s not advertised very much. None of the things that are happening are widely known by people. I know if I were to bring this up to my parents right now they would probably scoff in disbelief and I feel like they wouldn’t care.

Ultimately we need more awareness about this. That’s where the courage comes in, it’s making people aware and showing them exactly what’s happening. But I know that the change starts with me, just like with everyone the change will start with them. 

Democrats Vs Republicans and the Unpopular Opinon

Upon reading I found I could pin point all the positive experiences I have had with technology. Everything on how weird sub cultures are being created just made me think about how many times I often feel I am in my own little estranged world feeling a little lonely because things I’m interested in aren't in the interests of anybody around me. But being able to find blogs dedicated to Twin Peaks, or even find people that are also interested in medical anomalies and various preserved things floating in jars of formaldehyde has been really great for me to kind of accept myself as a person. Mainly because in my family I’m the weird black sheepish one. So I’d have to say the internet has definitely helped me embrace all my weird and become more of an individual about who I am, although I've always steered towards that outlook, high school is a very conformist environment  and that was pretty tough to take head on and come out in one piece.
The other thing this article talks about briefly is political parties “A society in which people accept that their personal views generally are and will remain minority perspectives, rather than seeking to impose “normal” beliefs and tastes on any who don’t fit in, is enormously healthier, both culturally and politically.” The two political parties we have republican and democratic are treated with the, if you’re not one then you’re the other kind of attitude. Which makes politics very black and white instead of an expanding or growing thing. I feel like most people who associate themselves with a certain party vote just based off the parties’ beliefs rather than their actual personal views they may have. These factions have also created a social and political divide between the people and their cultures. Democrats and republicans have been taking stabs at each other using many different outlets, including popular TV shows. An example of this would be the Simpsons episode The Kid is Alright, where Lisa ends up becoming friends with a new student who also runs against her in a second grade representative election and this girl turns out to be a republican and they quickly turn into rivals. Similar situations have happened in other shows that have that underlying republican vs democrat message.

Today’s very tech centric generation I feel has sort of created an environment to break the two main political parties up into fragments. Instead of having two blanket opinions set out for the general population these fragments would create more of a diverse voice, and promote discussion on topics instead of where we are. which is basically people on a one sided view of either sides of the same wall. From these fragments I hope more acceptance for different perspectives comes through. Everybody has a different perspective and stance on a situation we are not surrounding a single wall but multiple walls with many different sides. The “popular” opinion trope in society I hope will be worn down to nothingness in a few years.