Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Effects of Being Wrong

Confirmation bias is basically all about having that feeling of fitting in. its where our “open-ness” on subjects stops. Where you ask? Right when somebody starts stating opinions that are the opposite of our own. this website provides a really good description of confirmation bias as well as 11 other biases worth taking a look at. This description brings up a very good point about an effect of this bias “It's why we only visit websites that express our political opinions”. This is very true for most people especially for members of political parties. The GOP rarely looks at the other viewpoints of political parties. We have all seen the political advertisements on TV. They are very accusatory, one-sided, and totally entitled to their bias. When elections come closer and closer it all just seems like the dialogue of bickering siblings between the parties
“I’m right”
“No, I’m right”
 “I was right first”
 “As if”.
Political parties are so inclusive and they come attached with a million stereotypes all against each other. These stereotypes can be found even in modern entertainment today, but to be realistic political parties’ have pushed their influence in entertainment since these factions began their existence.
 These influences definitely effect the way citizen’s in the US have discussions or even try to be more forward thinking about the issues that the US is facing. People can get so stuck in this singular political party centric view that they lose what the real issue even was about. Just to stick with following the political party to constantly confirm all their beliefs.
No one is really exempt from this mindset even if it isn’t pertaining to political parties. Nobody wants to be wrong. Being wrong is one of the most uncomfortable feelings and if you’re like me and you over think EVERYTHING a million times over you will fester in it forever. I think that this gross feelings comes with the stigma attached to being wrong. Making a mistake, being wrong, or doing or saying something that isn’t immediately agreed with can make you feel like your “dumb”. That’s a very powerful word and with all the negative connotations on it and explicit synonyms that even contribute to ableism. It effects our outlook on ourselves, and in my opinion it brings us back to being a child in the worst sense. When we were always looked down upon, even in classrooms and the feedback we would get from taunting classmates. I think all of that together just strikes a huge nerve with people, and could absolutely be the root of this whole confirmation bias problem we have.
We need to teach our youth that it’s ok to be wrong, parents should be examples of how to handle it. Because at this point generation after generation just keeps spreading this mindset over and over again of not owning up to mistakes and treating people who have made them with more sympathy and understanding. I believe that treating the youth of today with respect would be a great solution to all these problems.

 If we are constantly keeping ourselves within our own safe bubble of right-ness we won’t ever grow. We would all be more progressive as a society if we could have more real open discussions. And realize that’s its completely okay to be wrong, to make mistakes, and to change your mind depending on the different information you allow yourself to be introduced to. 
Illustration of a man with a tree growing out of his head

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